Occasional thoughts of another crazed human

Friday, February 03, 2006

It has NOT been a month

Nope, not a month since I blogged but it will have been if I type for one hour and 17 minutes and that sure is not going to happen.

So, this month in the Garrett house. Mark refereed wrestling matches on Saturdays, which made things busy but he enjoyed it which was the key! Too bad he'll only get to do that a little bit each year.

Levi - not too much change. Slightly less violence to Seth, which is good. Like 80 million new words but there's still this one that he says all the time and I have no idea what he's talking about (might be more than one and I'm constantly confused). I am most proud of his learning to say "PeePa" (Grandpa) just in time for a quick visit to Grandpa and Grandma Reynolds' house, where I had so much fun scanning old family photos. Oh, he finally calls me something besides "Daddy" somewhat consistently, now I'm "babby" - not Baby, softer A sound.

Seth is as cute as button but is really fat. He may be bigger than Levi was at this age. We've been taking some awesome pictures of him. He gained over 2 lbs in 2 weeks after we started cereal but he's still not sleeping through the night. I'm already anticipating "scream therapy" pretty soon.

So Levi had gotten sick on Christmas Day and last Sunday got sick again. Then I think that Seth got it and then I got it two days ago. Unfortunately this stomach bug doesn't go away easily and I still have a tumbly-rumbly.

Well, some church stuff is positive. One lady left the church with her kids last year and has returned and, while some volunteers were initially intimidated by the return, everyone is ok now. Then we are also going to get an LCD projector soon. I can't wait to put together the worship songs with graphics, etc. Then, we've been thinking of removing some pews to expand fellowship space and the oddest person volunteered to pitch the idea to her group, a group that would normally really object. So last week we roped off pews and forced people to move forward.

Hey, here's something difficult. This older couple just started coming to church in November. He grew up in church. She didn't and actually grew up in Vietnam. He's got lung disease and was admitted to the hospital this week and is in serious condition. We really want to care for her - take her meals, offer rides, visit, etc. She doesn't really understand our intentions and is really wierded out by these parts of church behavior. I hate not being able to minister as I would normally. Overall, I am reminded of how church people often speak a different language, behave in totally different ways, and are just different than others sometimes. I really want church to be relevant in our culture. I'll have to go into this more later because if I start now, I'll never get to sleep and a whole month will pass between posts. Overall, please pray for Jim and Anh.

Before I sign off, how to keep blog-spam off my comments? suggestions?


  • At 8:47 AM, Blogger lexerdax said…

    I hope you don't consider me blog spam! :) There should be a thing at http://www.blogspot.com about how to turn on message verification, where your commenters have to type in a funky word to post. I'll see if I can find it.

    We had the stomach bug, too! Ugh. I had it Monday morning and Ryan Monday afternoon. Neither of us have much of an appetite still. How about you guys?

    How much does Seth weigh now? I don't think he looks fat in the picture you sent recently. Tell me your secrets! Katrina's only gained 10 oz. in five weeks. She needs to gain at least 8 oz by her appointment on the 15th for the pediatrician to relax.

    As for sleeping through the night, we liked a book called Babywise. Katrina still wakes up at 5:30ish some mornings, but I think it's because that's what time the neighbors up the hill (the Confederates) leave for work in their noisy diesel truck.

    Oops ... This is more like an e-mail than a comment. Love you!

  • At 8:49 AM, Blogger lexerdax said…


  • At 11:02 PM, Blogger Leah said…

    Seth was 18 lbs 6 ozs on January 27th. I eat peanut butter and bananas for breakfast the first thing when I wake up every day. How's that for a baby-fattening-secret?


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